Archive for the ‘techdetails’ Category.

Upcoming: Mashup Camp 3

I'll be at Mashup Camp 3 next week in Boston. Lots of work to do before then…

rTunes update

On New Years day I was noodling around with the source and solved a long standing problem that has been irking me, namely multi-threading the server so it can handle AJAX requests properly, the only caveat being that threading doesn't seem to work on the Mac, c'est la vie.

After adding a machine independence layer, I have an almost fully functional Apple rTunes, so far only album art and multi-threading aren't working, and we don't need either to operate iTunes, so the last major step is App'ify rTunes, which is going to take me a couple of weeks to figure out, given my day job, business trips and life.

I'm going to try and use py2app which will allow me to share the config between both Windows and Mac OSX, and of course there's all the testing that has to be done, PowerPC vs. Intel, 10.3, vs. 10.4 etc.

Spiderman has nothing on me…

It would appear I'm a Spiderman among geeks 😉

Your results:
You are Spider-Man

The Flash
Iron Man
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

This is interesting, data embeded in an URL – RFC 2397

I saw this on hackzine today, very interesting, time to ponder some uses.

I discovered a URI called "data:" today which allows you to encode any amount of file data into a URL. This data could be an image, ascii text, xml data, you name it. You'll have to read the details, but you use it like this:

The hackzine article:

The RFC 2397

This week in Enterprise 2.0

More on CEO bloggings and mostly the positive aspects, or how blogging can help your company.

Sun Micro's Jonathan Schwartz has or is becoming the post child for corporate blogging. Go Jonathan go… 

A couple of things, more Web 2.0 than Enterprise 2.0

YouTube is now supporting the direct recording of audio/video (webcam) via Flash to the web, an interesting development, and I'm sure others will follow shortly. Although, I'm not entirely sure who's going to make use of the feature, and a meaningful way, audio video comments?

Linking social networking with geography, and interesting approach, very yong, but there maybe some potential. Reminds me of an open 

This weeks in Enterprise 2.0

Lots of talk about Enterprise 2.0 this week.

Scoble, has a bunch of videos and talks speaks of Wikis and blogging as a platform, which is what we are doing and glad to see the light bulb going off. Scoble also has some good links for further reading.

Tom Hespos,  has a good article on how three name brand companies are transforming themselves through blogging, who you ask: Sun Microsystems, GM one of the earliest bloggers and Wells Fargo.


IE 7, Do these guys have quality control?

While upgrading to IE 7, I get the following window with unreadable text, how did this crap get through their quality control? The IE guys never cease to amaze me.

I will say, IE 7 seems a little bit snappier than 6, but I guess all the UI guys were sequestered working on the Zune, because IE 7 sports one of the fugliest interfaces I've every seen.


Is it me or is SPAM down today?

It's thanksgiving in the US and I swear SPAM is down today by about 30%, could it be that those inhuman SPAMMERS actually take a day off once in a while. I'll have to pay a little more attention at Christmas and New Years, and if I was being really keen, I'd start gathering some stats to support my anecdotal evidence.

Toronto Demo Camp 11 – Impressions

I was generally impressed with the overall experience last night.

The good:

I was very happy to learn that selenium now has a remote control module that works with python. I'm still not sure it will help me, but I have to give it a try. I've been using a python specific tool for testing called PAMIE. This is a

There was some tough questions asked, which is always good to keep people on their toes, and that this isn't a big love fest, criticism can be good.

I didn't know about the Firestoker guys before the demo, but they are pioneering enterprise 2.0 apps and validating our business model.

Making job announcements is a good thing and illustrates the health of the community, and is a source of encouragement for students, et al.

The Bad:

The first demo didn't work, which is unfortunate, you only have 10 minutes to demo so your it needs to be a slam dunk.

I like the no powerpoint rule, but Mark makes a good point about demos that may not fit the usual demo camp mold.

Demo Camp Toronto 11 Tonight

I haven't been to one since we demo'd BlogMatrix at demo camp 5, so it's time to getout and support the community.