Is it me or is eclipse a piece of shit

I know eclipse is free, but come on, I don't know how people actually use this piece of shit to build software. I like open source as much as the next guy, I just like "high quality open source" which may be an oxymoron.

Here are a bunch of my pet peeves so far:

  • When debugging your warped to a new tab with the screen in a completely brain dead configuration. So I'm forced to reorganize the screen so it looks somewhat simple. Listen this isn't mission control I don't need to see everything at once.
  • When debugging the first message you see in the console is "The application will continue after a brief delay" all I can say is WTF, I want to debug now, not after the intermission you tools As it turns out this isn't Eclipses fault, but copy protection in one of the libraries I'm using so mea culpa on this one.
  • When debugging the only way to see the "step over, step into" buttons is to switch to the debug tab, your kidding me right? So far I haven't found a way to get those buttons to appear in the top tool/button bar.
  • Maybe I have a buggy eclipse, but it took me three or four tries before eclipse would stop at my break point, the previous runs just stopped running, didn't high light my break point line nothing, thanks for coming out.
  • Why is it when eclipse pops up the bubble for the arguments of a function your using it insists of calling the arguments "Type arg0, …" I mean come on, your killing me here, this also happens in the debugger as well when looking at the variables of the functions, totally lame.
  • When you high light a secion of code and click the right mouse button you get a big list of options and where are the "copy and paste" items, down in the middle, I'm not sure about this but I bet "copy and paste" are to of the most common options when you have selected text, yet you make me scroll down the menu to the middle, tools. Yeah I know there are keystroke short cuts.
  • When I'm editing and hit save, eclipse feels compelled to warp me to somewhere else in my code i.e. where the program has stopped in debug mode. Dudes I'm not in the debug view don't warp me to the program counter, maybe I want to continue editing, I just like to save a lot 'cause I don't trust eclipse.
  • The default keystroke for search again is ctrl-k give me a break if my hands were that big I'd be a much better basketball player, maybe I should get a smaller keyboard.

Indeed it's not surprising that I'm going to shell out a few dollars to upgrade to the latest Intellij because frankly eclipse sucks, and that is also why I shelled out the dollars for Komodo, since I want to get work done and not fight the tool no matter how free it is. Penny wise pound foolish.


  1. It’s not you šŸ˜‰

  2. NDM says:

    Yes.  It is a complete pile of shit.  The update manager just doesn’t work. There is no way to update anything without fucking up the whole configuration.  If you re-install and ask it to add Birt.  The Birt, just doesn’t work and doesn’t recognise the previos installations Birt design files.

    So any tool that has to be fought just to try and upgrade it, isn’t worth the bother.  Nice idea, but get the basics sorted.  I reckon IBM wasted their 40m.

  3. Stephen says:

    Hm, I found it to have quite few actual bugs.

    OTOH its a single big usability bug in itself if you are used to something as slick as Idea.

    Nowadays even NetBeans feels much better than Eclipse.

  4. Rich says:

    Yes, Eclipse is shit.

     I’ve tried so many times to get on with it. It has a really nice editor, but everything around it is buggy as fuck – it’s the worst piece of software I’ve EVER used.

    Netbeans isn’t the greatest thing on the planet but at least it’s not Eclipse.

  5. Jeff says:

    Eclipse has an ambitious agenda begin an extensible IDE and whatnot.  But it seems someone should get the core completely free of bugs first.  My pet peeves are…

    1.  Complete lockup during FTP synchronize (most of the time – sometimes this actually works)

    2.  About 1 in 10 times, I’ll open the Eclipse IDE only to find all of my projects are ‘dead’ – the references are completely gone.

    3.  Every so often the IDE just decides to ‘forget’ the code folding on all of my PHP files.

    4.  I swear to god Eclipse rebuilds every PHP project every time I open the damn editor.

    In short, it’s just the complete lack of reliability.  I know it’s free but I don’t like surprises every time I open up my IDE.  I like consitency.

  6. mike says:

    yes … eclipse is the best example for worse open source projects. It would be better this crap would cost something so you could say I dont pay for a buggy pice of shit. Sadly its free and many companies force their developers to use it.

  7. Alan says:

    I’m suprised to see so much Eclipse hate.  I generally like Eclipse, besides its slowness, and yes, debugging is pretty awful.  It can be a major hassle just to get it to respect my breakpoints, and for me, it frequently stalls while taking single steps

  8. Hammer says:

    Piece of shit in spades.

  9. jtkirk says:

    I agree, I hate using eclipse. Slow and buggy. 100 years behind IDEA. What’s worse I also have to work on other IBM pieces of shit, like RSA šŸ™ I want to shoot myself now.

  10. Stan says:

    Eclipse is a piece of shit. It’s fuc*ing garbage. Netbeans 5.x is 100 times better. I could go on and on about how big of a piece a shit eclipse is.


  11. Camo says:

    It’s not just you. I hate this thing with a passion. Coming from Visual Studio 2005 and C#, I just cannot believe what a total stinking pile Eclipse is. What I find even more amazing are the zealots that love the endless torture afforded by this steaming pile.

  12. feep says:
    it’s good to know that i’m not the only one.. some IDE’s suck less than others, but none of them are really worth anything.. i haven’t tried one i would pay for anyway
  13. alex says:

    Oh god yes – Eclipse is possibly the biggest pile of shite going: I have never liked the damn thing, but company policy and all that.

    I hate the fact that it takes so bloody long to load and that half the time, people write the most shite plugins causing the damn thing to hang indefinitely with a whte bar of death replacing the menubar at the top. I mean, why the hell are they not loaded in a background process with some kind of visual clue as to what’s going on – FAIL!

    Warping to a different perspective every time – FAIL!

    Its just ugly … FAIL!

    I could go on and on about how much I hate this thing, but I guess most people here are on the same wavelength anyway

  14. Dave says:

    I think Eclipse has a lot of nice features. The refacotring tools, search tools, and unit test integration, and source control integration are all great features. The debugger could probably use a few usability upgrades, but it has always worked pretty reliably for me. My major problems with Eclipse are its general sluggishness and the fact that it is somewhat buggy. For a free IDE it has a lot to offer. It beats Visual Studio in terms of features (though it loses on speed and reliability) and VS.NET Pro is pretty expensive.

  15. Bobbbby says:

    Not just you it does take ages to load, i cant get the thing to compile c++ it asks for g++ so you go hunting round and install it properly and it still dosnt work, what a pile of wank ive spent 2 days installing minGW and shite like that, that it needs and playing with its build in update manager thing but still wont compile any code, im a newby noob but it shouldnt be this hard shurely?? im going to go get me a copy of borland or microsoft visual c++, or even net beans.

  16. ciprian says:

    no, is not you.  yes, eclipse is a pile of shit.

  17. jtkirk says:

    Oh, I forgot another unique Eclipse feature.

    I just went over your list again and I realized that most of those bugs never happened to me (or very infrequently).

    I always experienced different set of bugs. When I told me colleagues, they told me that my bugs don’t happen to them.

    Oh … my coleagues … they always complained about different and strange bugs … which never happened to me and are also not on your list.

    “Polymorphic bugs” anyone ?

    And yes, eclipse is a piece of shit. Maybe not the clean installation, but as soon as first plugin gets installed, things go ugly. And Eclipse as a basic platform forother software is a disaster. Has anybody used Rational Software Architect on Eclipse? Rational Process Developer (or whatever) on Eclipse. ClearCase client on Eclipse – VCS software that doesn’t work get’s a client that doesn’t work at all. Lotus Notes on Eclipse ? ? ?

    IBM should be banned from Java world, seriously.

  18. Joseph says:

    How did it get so bloated?  Too many interns at IBM hacking at the source I’d guess.   I HATE when collaborators use this software.  VS 2005 can be buggy but I’ve lost way more hair using eclipse

  19. Dave Martin says:

    Heh. I think it’s funny that this post is over a year and a half old, and people are still posting comments on it. I think the reason must be that Eclipse is, indeed, a piece of shit. Which would be fine, except that it’s shit with momentum. (Shit rolling down hill?) So there’s all this implicit pressure to use it. After being victimized by Eclipse, it’s perfectly natural to type “eclipse sucks” into google, leading one to blog entries like this.

    Fortunately I was only forced to use Eclipse once, when I worked for a company whose product was dependent on eclipse integration. The IDE would crash about once per day, which wasn’t Eclipse’s fault – I had a bad linux installation that wasn’t playing well with my laptop, causing some applications to die at random. But what was Eclipse’s fault, and an inexcusable fault at that, was the complete inability to make Eclipse auto-save backup files. This should be an essential feature of any decent editor or IDE, in my opinion.

    The other reason it’s a piece of shit is somewhat harder to describe precisely: from time to time I’ll try setting up Eclipse to use whatever project I’m working on, and every time, it’s like pulling teeth to get it to work. Usually there’s one or two dependent libraries that it refuses to recognize, resulting in a “problems” list hundreds of items long. There never seems to be a rhyme or reason for this. I have to mess with it for an hour just to get things somewhat workable. And then I don’t even have confidence that it will be working the next time I open the project. Honestly I don’t know how anyone can stand to use this “tool”. Even EMACS JDEE takes less time to configure.

    One more comment: I’ve done quite a bit of user interface development in recent years, and as a result, I think I’ve become extra sensitive to bad usability. Both of my observations above support my opinion that Eclipse is a usability fiasco.  It is, truly, a piece of shit.

  20. QuinnFazigu says:

    I’ve a C and Perl background.  Never used an IDE except as a heavy boot around console POSIX code ported to Windows.  Recent acquisition of a BlackBerry piqued my interest in developing apps for it.  I’m on Linux.  Got the JDE working in WINE, but the simulator kept crapping out.  Anyway, I figured I’d head down the path hailed by some commentators and try using the raw Java code with Eclipse.

    A dark path, indeed.   I’ve not written a line of code, and already snarl and hiss and spit at Eclipse.

    Never having really *used* an IDE before, I figurted I’d start with every hacker’s foothold: the “Hello World” tutorial.  Eclipse provided one!  Awesome!

    Stumped before two steps forward, let alone any steps back due to the IDE itself.

    It  references going to and “navigating to” “swt binary and source”.  There is no fucking “swt binary and source” there.  OK, maybe it’s because I used the Debian package from APT repos, and the tutorial is out of date.  dpkg –purge, download the tarball, unroll into /usr/local/.

    Same text, still no link.  Google finds people with the same problem, and I manage to grab the referenced package.

    Now, when I attempt to add a “New Java Project”, the IDE seems to have brought up a modal dialog *somewhere*, but I can’t see it.  Is it because it didn’t really install SWT, which I presume is the GUI toolkit?  No new window *appeared*, but one seems to exist according to my window manager.  I can’t click on the original IDE window, so I assume that invisible window has “eclipsed” all input.

    I google “Eclipse tutorial FUCKING SUCKS” and get here.

    I’m pushing forty and have two young daughters and a wife who growls every time I approach a computer after coming home from work.  I don’t have time for this shit.

    I’ll try Netbeans.   Y’all have a nice day.

  21. lu says:

    Don’t worry, Eclipse is really a piece of shit. Everyday I’m running the same code, sometimes I get strange errors… in general, clean the projects twice or three times always works! šŸ˜‰

  22. Eclipsed says:

    Every other day I have to delete .metadata in my workspace because I cannot fucking understand why eclipse, after a while, decides that context assistant should stop working. The problem with this is that I have to go over all my preferences (code formatting, warnings/errors displaying, etc. etc.) and set everything as before. I don’t bloody touch any context assist bullshit, but after a couple of days there you go… Nothing works. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  23. FrogNoodle says:

    Oh yes, Eclipse really is a gigantic piece of crap.  A few of mine are:

    • God-awful find functionality.  Why are JARs and binaries searched by default???
    • PLEASE don’t type “–>” for me when I type “<!–”
    • Only one instance can be open at a time.
    • AWFUL dialogs, requiring many more clicks than are necessary.  E.g. click radio button THEN enter text — why not automatically.
    • When I Open Resource, why show me both .java and .class for every single file?  When would I EVER choose .class over .java?
    • When I want to edit a watch expression, why must I write click, select “Edit watch”, move mouse to dialog, enter new watch expression, press ok.  Compare to Visual Studio –> simply change text.
    • When debugging, why does clicking on an Integer show the object id?  Has anyone in the history of the world ever wanted this instead of the intValue()?
    • When debugging, expand hashtables, etc USEFULLY!
    • Ridiculous non-standard keyboard shortcuts.
    • Non-standard install and preference locations.
    • Meaningless toolbar icons.
    • And of course, a 1 in 4 chance that error dialogs pop-up when ever you open, um… anything.
    Now that I write that I feel that I haven’t done the crappiness of Eclipse justice.  It’s just so unbelievably awful…  It makes me so sad when people use it as an example of a good java UI.  If this is what people aspire to, then, well, I just don’t know…
  24. Eclipse Sucks says:

    Posting just to keep this thread going and remind everyone that Eclipse truly is a stinking pile of vile poo. On a dual core machine, runs like a slug with its tail bolted to the floor. Unfortunately have to use this because Adobe Flex is built on top of this recycled excrement. I’ve used other IDE’s and text editors, and this is by far the slowest, most painful experience in developing software. And that’s before getting to the debugger. Java boosters point to this as a wonderful example of the nice gui apps you can build. Yeah, it’s amazing, it’s amazing the damn thing runs at all! After millions and millions of investment, we get an IDE that just likes to splash its nasty ooze all over people’s projects.

  25. Alex Moore says:

    I would also like to keep the thread going. Everyday I have to go home and wash my hands with a wire brush to try and remove the filth of working with eclipsed. Pure, utter shite. With sweetcorn.

  26. Angry Developer says:

    Eclipse is a pile of shit! I cannot tell you how many times it randomly fucks up. Anytime you install a plug in, all hell breaks loose. What I am finding is you must download clean copy of eclipse and whatever plug in. The &^*&!^@ plug ins fuc* up everything. You have got to be joking me. NetBeans is way better, and we have IBM  to thank for eclipse being shoved down everyone’s throat.

  27. Another Angry Developer says:

    When is this steaming animated turd going to have the decency to lie down and die?

  28. Fight the bloat! says:

    I just recently switched from eclipse to Netbeans.  Eclipse crashed multiple times daily with “out of memory errors” that I just couldn’t fix.  I loaded Netbeans and imported the same projects and it works like a charm!  Go, Netbeans, go!!!

  29. Dave says:

    This is so funny – I love the fact that the original poster uses the right mouse button for cut and paste.  How many programmers use that; surely you just use cut and paste using Ctrl-C / Ctr-V – muppet.

    And you obviously don’t understand Perspectives.  Yes, they’re configurable.  Different views (or the same if you really want it) so you don’t clutter up your Java perspective with debug windows when you don’t want them.  You can tell it not to jump the the debug perspective if you don’t want to do it as soon as you start the debugger.  And, hey, if you want, you can clutter your java perspective with debug views if you really want.  In fact, the very first time you launched the debugger, you would have been asked to switch to the debug perspective, and you obviously selected Yes and ticked the box saying “always do this from now on”.  RTF Screen you fools.

    Most of the post here are easy to resolve and the majority down to user error – it’s a joke.

    All IDEs have their problems, including IntelliJ – it just seems that the people who post here don’t understand, don’t want to understand, don’t get the benefits and in general are probably pretty poor developers because they don’t know how to work efficiently. It’s not rocket science.

  30. ciprian says:

    No, I do not understand nor do I want to understand how eclipse is such a pile of stinking shit.

  31. Dave Martin says:

    To “Dave” (Comment #29):

    It’s amazing that you can spot a poor developer purely by virtue of whether he/she likes a particular tool. Maybe I should consult you the next time I need to hire someone. Not. šŸ™‚

    By the way, sometimes working efficiently involves avoiding tools that don’t work well, in favor of those that do. I know plenty of good developers who like Eclipse. All the more power to them. Personally I think it’s a piece of shit. I avoid it because every time I try using it I end up regretting it.

    By the way, as I mentioned in my first post, I’ve done quite a bit of UI development, and one important thing I’ve gained from that experience is the understanding that when there are a lot of instances of “user error”, it almost always indicates usability problems with the software.

  32. techdetails says:

    To “Dave” (Comment #29):

    Obviously I know how to use Ctl-C/V but it can be annoying when my right hand is injured and I’m using the mouse with my left hand, secondly it is really a usability issue, something eclipse fails misserably at, in my opinion.

    I also don’t like netbeans but I haven’t tried using it for several years, so I can no longer pass judgemnet, suffice it to say Intellij has been excellent and JetBrains have been constantly adding new features like Spring/Seam support.

    I also don’t think less of developers who choose Eclipse or any other IDE for that matter, one of the smartest dudes I know uses Texpad, no matter how much I try to entice him to use Intellij, what ever gets you through the day.

    By your logic, a poor developer = not using eclipse, I know more than a few douche bags who have no business writing software that use Eclipse, but I  don’t think all Eclipse users are douche bags (maybe just the authors.) The reason I chose Intellij is it greatly simplifies and eases my development aka I can work more efficiently.

    Given how many comments this rant (which was cathartic for me) has spawned, I’m thinking of starting a support group for refugees of Eclipse.

  33. Cunt fuck says:

    I fucking hate ECLIPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have been trying to figure out why it can’t resolve a fucking .jar file and the fucking piece of shit won’t give me any details as to the fucking error. Fuck the CUNTS who wrote this steaming pile of Horse shit!

  34. Danny says:

    Eclipse is such a mound of egested fecal refuse that I now have an install that:

    - Raises a Java exception everytime I do a search

    – Fails to compile anything if my xml files were invalid at any point in the past.

    – “Open with -> Other…” never opens. Ever.

    – Projects randomly become invalid/in error. A “quick” 30 minute refresh is required.

    – Closes without warning/messages/kiss my poo code at random.

    Eclipse needs to be wrapped up in toliet paper so it can be flushed away for good.

  35. No says:

    it’s not just you. And I’ve seen quicker things crawling across my cabbage patch on their single “foot”.

  36. Bilbob says:

    Eclipse is a pro tool. Y’all should learn how to use it instead of just complaining and whining. It does whatever you want if you just set it up right.

    Reading something like ‘it insists of calling the arguments “Type arg0, …”‘ just tells me that there is someone using this tool without knowing anything about the technology behind it. Ecipse just cannot know the arguments’ name if it is not specified right in the sourcecode, or if the sourcecode is not correctly attached to a binary/bytecode-classfile. 

  37. Bilbob says:


     IMHO you’re absolutely right. Just reading bogus stuff like ‘cannot open multiple instances’ tells me that theres something seriously wrong with some “developers” in here…

  38. John says:

    Eclipse crashes at least once everytime I use it.  Not sure whether the problem is with Eclipse or Birt reports which I’m using with it.  Usually what happens is it starts leaking memory until until it implodes.  Unfortunately, there aren’t many better editors out there that have any kind of user base.  This is my largest frustration with most open source software I use.  Take the good with the bad I guess.

  39. Dave says:

    I also think eclipse sucks.  It is slow and  buggy in my experience.  Comments about it being a “pro tool” I believe are ignoring the speed and bug issues and only addressing another shortcoming of eclipse… the learning curve. Yes, I’m sure if you’re not scared away by the of bugs and speed problems, a lot of the other negative comments would go away.

    But IMO, the learning curve and complexity of the interface should be minimal for those who are only using basic features.  For example, if one wants to use it as a graphical debugger to debug an application that has been compiled independently, it should be at least as easy to use as the gdb command line.  If I type “gdb hello_world\n break main\nrun\nedit”, I get a debug session that breaks on the first line of main and opens an editor of my choice on that line and it takes <15 seconds to do it.  Good luck trying that with eclipse.

     Just because the “I” in IDE means “integrated”, that doesn’t mean that the integration can’t allow for easy use of the individual components (editor, graphical debugger, graphical compiler) and have an interface that allows the use of alternative components (eg, using your favorite editor).

  40. Dave Martin says:

    To “Dave” (Comment #39):

    Regarding standalone debugger, you might want to try JSwat, if you haven’t already.

    The only thing that gives me pause is that the web page now says “based on the NetBeans platform”, which wasn’t the case the last time I used it a few years ago – it was a straight Swing app, with a relatively small footprint, easy to set up and use. Hopefully whatever NetBeans-based additions have been added haven’t compromised its minimalistic nature.

  41. Dave Martin says:

    In response to Bilbob, who things Eclipse is a “pro tool”:

    I briefly worked at a tools company whose main product was built as an Eclipse plugin because that’s the IDE that the majority of the user base was using. It’s worth mentioning that my coworkers at this company were among the brightest I’ve ever worked with. Most had been IntelliJ users prior to the Eclipse integration. A colleague who had a lot of customer exposure made an interesting observation: the majority of our users were low-to-mid-level programmers working for Fortune-500 companies. The general level of programming expertise of these users was known to be low. These users overwhelmingly preferred Eclipse. However, at these same organizations, the creme de la creme – the effective, hands-on-architect-level people – tended to be IntelliJ users.

    I’m not trying to say that only mediocre people prefer Eclipse,  but I _am_ disputing the implications surrounding the statement that Eclipse is a “pro tool”.

  42. Ben says:

    Eclipse is shit, but not as hard to read as your awful grammar.

  43. Eclipse must die!! says:

    It is just pure crap!

  44. oh yes it is. says:

    Just to keep the thread alive – yes, it does suck.

    Tried it long ago and it sucked. Just tried debugging an app with the latest Ganymedes release and it still doesn’t suck any less.

    Switched to Netbeans and things started working.

  45. Anon says:

    I use eclipse for work everyday for PHP development.  I’ve even tied in Xdebug for debugging… it has a few problems but overall I think it’s great…

  46. Matthew says:

    I second all those who think Eclipse is a piece of shit…mainly because I am forced to use it for the duration of the semester.

    Does someone care to explain why every time I finish building my console project, separate instances of javaw are running in the background, all competing for the CPU (just what the hell are you doing?  The build finished, and program has halted!)  Or how it chooses to somehow “hides” sections of my source that are visible only after I close the file and re-open it?  Completely bloated (Adobe CS3, anyone?), debugger from hell, hacked together left and right.

    A question posed: “Dude, what do you mean? You don’t use Eclipse!?”

    An answer: “Dude: kiss my ass!  And fuck that piece of shit!”

    Personally, I don’t trust any IDE that doesn’t have a complete full-screen mode.

    Whew, I feel better.

  47. Moe says:

    I hate Eclipse!! Netbeans is so much better. As long as Eclipse exists this thread shall live. Eclipse is shit!!

  48. Jeff says:

    Even the build fails with an 87k output error file?

    I hate VI, but at least I can f’n use it. The package no longer exists for me.

    Go back to text editor.

  49. BitterProgrammer says:

    Eclipse is nice because it is very extensible. If you got some backwards-ass language nobody has heard of, you can mess around with Eclipse and get a pretty IDE for it. Thatā€™s cool.

    If, however, you want to use a mainstream language like Java then why in the fuck is it so hard to find an install of Eclipse that just works out-of-the-box? Iā€™m sure they are out there, but why do I have to search through dozens of bundles to find it? God, I hate open source. Justā€¦ fuckingā€¦ hateā€¦ it.

    Now, to be fair, I only looked at Eclipse for like an hour or two before I said ā€œFuck this! You ainā€™t cutting into any more of my porn time bitch!ā€ So, I tried NetBeans. Well, they have the ā€œwhich bundle?ā€ issue too, but gee whizā€¦ I found one that was up and running in less than an hour. And I actually like the thingā€¦ which is rare for open source. More important, I have more time to do what I like bestā€¦ watch porn while sloppy drunk. Iā€™m truly living the good life thanks to NetBeans.

    The whole point of an IDE is to make coding faster. That also means the thing should have a fast learning curve. Who wants to deal with getting the correct plug-ins and all that nonsense? What a time-waster Eclipse it.

  50. Pissed Off says:

    Eclipse is nothing short of a loooong piece of shit.

    The worst bug i had was when saving a .java file. In the eclipse interface everything looked saved o.k., i.e., the save button was dulled. After two days wondering why my code wouldn’t compile, I decided to open the .java in a different editor; turns out eclipse wasn’t saving it at all – thanks a feckin bunch!

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